Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Almost to Eidsvoll

We should arrive in Eidsvoll today, after 3 days of walking out of Oslo suburbs. We've had an interesting mix of urban wayfinding, wheat fields, residential neighborhoods, and the occasional pilgrim church from the 12th century. Weather has been sunny and warm, in the mid 70s. We are already a bit 'solbrennt' from some long stretches of walking along asphalt roads in full sun. Aside from an attack of ravenous mosquitos the first night we set up the tent and a few blisters before our feet toughen up, we've had no problems. So far the route finding has been fairly straightforward with the help of a good Pilgrim's Way guidebook in Norwegian. Tomorrow we head towards Hamar and Lake Mjøsa.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Grieg Lodge Pilgrims Are Off

We are en route to Oslo after spending a few days in Mandal eating massive amounts of excellent food. The Grand Walk starts Saturday, June 26, from the Pilegrimsleden starting point at Mariakirke in Oslo and we are VERY excited. Especially since we found exactly the right camp stove fuel in a local store, so we can brew proper coffee every morning.